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Day 2 - Destination: Frost Island

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Frost Island '97Frost Island '97
By five o'clock the Viking was riding the flood tide North out the Swinomish Channel, making 6 or 7 nauts on its way toward Anacortes and Thatcher Pass. Our destination, and day two's moorage, was the west side of Frost Island just south of Spencer Spit. Rich & Gina weren't there this year to host cocktails at seven on the deck of their yurt, so we made due by dropping a couple of crab traps in Jansen Bay, and helping ourselves to the ample supply of cocktail fixin's in the aft cabin. In a manner true to form with her wake-up call, Mother Nature bid us all a good night with a spectacular display of San Juan color as she slipped behind the deepening shadows of Lopez Island.

[ Sunrise ][ Swinomish Channel ][ LaConner ][ Frost Island '97 ]

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© 1997 Sleepy Pug Productions